I recognize that people living on Ontario Works would more likely need to live within walking or public transportation distance of all their required needs.
Because I live so far from town, I plan to do my shopping and other errands on days I am already going (workday). I have seen some of my clients use carpool to get into town.
Today's challenge:
"You strained your back. You cannot afford any painkillers or a hot water pack. How will you alleviate pain?"
How did you know I would wake up this morning with this exact problem!. Medication and heat are the last things I would use. My treatment plan requires no money. My usual treatment is to do gentle back stretches, walk, yoga, and find a tennis ball to apply pressure to the spot. Although many would assume heat, I know cold is better for initial back strain. Good thing there is lots of snow outside and I can fill a bag and wrap in towel and reduce inflammation.
Because I heat home with wood, I will only to be able to carry 1-2 logs as opposed to 5-6 at a time to stoke fire. If this had happened grocery shopping, I would have had to consider 2 trips or lighter groceries.
Made it through Saturday at home. Doing my regular house chores, I reflected on the tools that make my life easier. When I was first married, we had a small unfurnished apartment, we had to walk to the laundry mart, and we had to try to clean a carpet with a broom. Finding change to put into the washer and dryer, waiting at the laundry mart for the wash to be completed and carrying the basket home was a 1/2 day gone. Now I can multitask , getting fire wood, taking composting to garden, vacuuming and washing floors while clothes are getting clean.
As for my challenge, my back was strained all day. I moved carefully hauling wood for the week, vacuuming and any other bending/lifting activities. When I was finished, I did gentle yoga, body scan meditation and enjoyed reading. My back is still sore and will take a few days to improve but I require no medication to tolerate a bit of pain.
Sunday morning and enjoyed being able to sleep in late in a warm bed.
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