
A Walk in Other’s Shoes is returning to this year’s Week of Action Against Poverty. This challenge is being undertaken by individuals in the community who have interests within the health field. Participants have been asked to attempt to stay within a social assistance benefits’ budget. A single person on Ontario Works would receive $337 monthly for all of their personal needs and $384 for all of their shelter costs. Because participants cannot replicate the housing conditions realistically, shelter costs are not included within this challenge. For the five day challenge, participants will have $11 daily to cover all food and drink, entertainment, some personal supplies and transportation costs. Each day, every participant will be given a challenge card which will reveal an unexpected challenge to be completed before the end of the day.

A Walk in Other’s Shoes is not a competitive challenge. It is a challenge that raises awareness of the hurdles that people living on social assistance face daily. As we within our community develop our own understanding, we can begin to reduce the barriers that they encounter and ultimately increase opportunities for increased prosperity for all. The challenge takes place February 10th-14th, 2018.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Challenge Day 2 - Feb 11th

"Television/video/gaming systems/phone/ ipad and all other electronic forms of entertainment disappeared from your world for the day."

This is a great day!. I like to unplug on Sunday. I planned to go outside and enjoy snowshoeing for an hour or two depending on how cold the temperature reaches. For me, using electronics is a necessity of my work, a way to communicate with other people who only want to communicate through technology and a tool to carry for a safety measure when I travel off-road.

I think about how isolating I would be if I had no way to communicate with my parents who live far away. With the use of online communication, I can speak with them weekly. The cost of a cellphone could be out of reach for many people, but I see many at the computers at the library, using emails to chat with people too far away to call. Where else can people use a computer for free to stay connected?

I will enjoy working on a puzzle that has been on the go for a few weeks. I am starting a new book. I read that many successful people read up to 60 books per year. I am going to try that. The books and puzzles, I get from the library, exchange with friends and occasionally buy on sale.

Today, l will prepare lunches and suppers for next 3 days. I was surprised I have only spent $20.00. I bought lentils, whole wheat bread, peanut butter, frozen fruits and vegetables, broth, canned tomatoes and eggs. I bought frozen produce because it is just as nutritious as fresh but is less likely to spoil.

So a whole day without electronics is a great way to reconnect with people who sit right in front of you. A conversation without the distraction.

Enjoyed a walk outside in warm layers but wonder how a person could live every day outside at this temperature. Where to go for shelter? A trip to the library, when it is open, could give me time to warm up, find some reading material, go on a computer and stay safe. Other programs are also only open weekdays but not weekends. Gathering places are important for social connection.

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